
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2005

le blog de ce cher jean-philppe


concert de the mash

si tu ne viens pas ,tu n'es pas rock'n roll.

axel a l'atelier rock

axel (quel bel homme) en plein solo avec sa jag-stan dessinée par kurt cobain !!

the long blonde

un groupe anglais de filles découvert sur "myspace" !!! trop cool ! le lien. et n'oubliez pas de visiter aussi notre page ! le lien

concert a l'atelier rock 21/12/05

the mash + le fan+les groupies :D

pour ceux qui comprennent pas ....

cliquez en bas a droites sur "septembre 2005 " ,.... pour consulter les anciens articles ;) apparement tout le monde n'avait pas compris :D

the mash : news

-the mash joue le 6 janvier a l'église st-mangol (place verte a huy) a l'occasion de l'evergreen festival organisé par l'atelier rock... -j'ai inscris le groupe sur "" une sorte de communauté de musiciens ou chaque groupe fait écouter ses chansons... (certains sont devenus connus grace a ca ! on sait jamais ... :D ) voici l'adresse :

the mash

j'ai une idée,notre nouvelle chanson va s'appeller "mon batteur s'est coupé les cheveux"

you can't stand me now

premiers "essais" du gros tube des libertines dans le journal intime de pete doherty.

books of albions

ca c'est un (beau)dessin de pete doherty et kate moss dessiné par vient d'un de ses journaux est venu chez moi et il me les a montrés. je rigole (ah ah que c'est marrant!), il les a mis en téléchargement sur son site des babyshambles(sympa le garcon).donc maintenant je sais aussi que pete dessine tres bien :D

foo fighters

dave et taylor.j'aime bien cette photo.. la grosse classe ! :D


c'est pour moi l'album le plus punk(que je connaisse ,y en a peut etre des autres mieux :D )

I wanna kill my neighbour,séance d'enregistrement


chansons géniales a écouter

spoon-anything you want je ne connais pas bien ce l'ai découvert sur un blog américain...mais je peux quand meme dire une chose sur cette chanson:plus pop que ca, tu meurts ! eels-rags to rags OU novocaine for the soul je retire ce que j'ai dit.... the stooges-down on the streets tout simplement le riff le plus puissant du rock'n roll.merci iggy !la reprise de rage against the machine est aussi géniale ! foo fighters-n'importe laquelle 200% énergique,compos géniales.pour citer des chasons : "the deepest blues are black",ou " "this is a call" the kinks-All Day And All Of The night 3 accords (un de plus que "you really got me"),un solo qui tue ,2 phrases.pour ceux qui aiment le garage rock... the kills- monkey 23 la fille chante super bien,le gars a un son incomparable a la guitare jimi hendrix-little wing tu veux décompresser?facile écoute moi ca ! :D voila je pourrais en mettre encore plein d'autres mais je vais arreter ...

I'll never forget you

is that true or not? I would like that my dreams come true girl you're as beautiful as unknown love is in my heart but not in yours I would you to love me like I love you probably not i'm waiting for a new date with you it's just another teenage love problem don't think your life's over it's just another teenage love problem try to forget it hey,don't be sad you don't have to say me goodbye it's just 'cause I don't know who you are i'm sure you're a nice boy but maybe will we be only friends please try to understand it's just another teenage love problem don't think your life's over it's just another teenage love problem try to forget it that's allright but know that I'll never forget you

10 seconds before apocalypse

oh fuck,there's 10 second left before apocalypse shall we do something? it's time to have fun.what a beautiful world a last time I'll love you.a last time I'll be happy. a last time I'll play my guitar.a last time I'll have a good time with you I shouldn't had to.I needed all this time,I've too waited to be aware there's 10 second left before apocalypse they'll never understand.their violence wasn't used for something 'cause we're not very well. we're not intelligent.but now,let's do the most beautiful things of the world there's 10 second left before apocalypse.hurry up,hurry up....

crazy girl at school

I know a girl at school she's friendly with me but she got a problem,she's totally crazy when I have a course with her,it's anarchy she hates the teachers,she hits the teachers and she doesn't care she's a rebel,she got the rock attitude there's a crazy girl at school she 's nice with me but I don't wanna be a fool like her is she ill ? am I ill ? she's cool.I wanna be popular she's kissing me.I'm not a nerd anymore she's a rebel,she got the rock attitude there's a crazy girl at school she 's nice with me and I wanna be a fool like her thanks girl,thanks for all. sex drugs and rock'n roll thanks girl,thanks for all. sex drugs and rock'n roll,isn't it ? real life is begining
dave grohl,un garcon bien sympathique ....

girls and rock'n roll

I'm coming in the concert hall the girl I invited is obviously not here my friend already have beers wath a bunch of idiots the band start the show I jump everywhere like a looser I smell very bad I'm a little bit drunk It's so cool girls and rock'n roll the only things you need in your boring life are girls and rock'n roll I don't remember the other reasons I am living for . oh-oh-oh fuck the world rock your life and love your girl a girl approach me to kiss me I do one step back and I fall on a dumb he hits me I hit him It hurts me she's laughting oh no girls and rock'n roll the only things you need in your boring life are girls and rock'n roll it's the only things you need in your boring life . oh-oh-oh fuck the world rock your life and love your girl The world sucks and everyone's dumb ...

bad begining

histoire de drogue..... : I am bad ,it was so cool yesterday evening but now it's 22 and I still need this shit I don't have no money so I don't know what to do nevermind let's go out I absolutly have to find it why am I doing this,now it's too late I'm so silly but now It's too late why am I doing this,now it's too late I'm so silly but now It's too late,it's too late.... I'm walking down new york city streets asking everybody I know it's very stupid great I've found what I want but I don't have no money ,the man is fighting me why am I doing this,now it's too late I'm so silly but now It's too late why am I doing this,now it's too late I'm so silly but now It's too late,it's too late.... yeah now i'm looking through the window thinking about myself what am I gonna be , I should'nt have listen to this man i'm looking through the window thinking about myself what am I gonna be , I shoul...

mash me

these ones don't respect me. I wanna play.I wanna rock. Nevermind if it's great,nevermind if we do some shit. Join me,join me to finally do something. First show.Unforgettable moment. we're maniac.But you don't wanna stay. Welcome to everybody,welcome to anybody who would try the rock band experience. Rotten cellar every weeks,guaranteed happiness for all your life. mash me for the rest of my life.

twins forever

paroles: I'm sure I'm somewhere. Someday I'll find you. Patience.Eternity.where are you ? I've found you.Oh,I've failed. He's waiting for me too. He already needs him. Maybe it will stay a dream. I shouldn't think about it,it gives me wrong hopes. Back to reality.I have to find a true friend. But if I'll see you,I'll love you more than everything.

I have fun with you

Encore des paroles... :D Donnez-moi votre avis! I have fun with you you feel good with me we're simply minds we do everything together we've done a lot of bad things but I don't understand why are you so strange? now'I'm black ,you're white you're a looser don't waste your life a lifestyle so boring you changed and my teen spirit doesn't want to grow up how much time will I need to accept you ? how much time will I need to forget you ? I don't know.I'll never know Ca parle de deux adolescent qui sont les meilleurs amis du monde.Ils grandissent,deviennent adultes.Mais un des deux ne l'accepte pas. il veut continuer de s'é ne comprends pas son copain..

goodbye,don't cry

c'est des paroles que j'ai écrites pour THE MASH.qu'en pensez-vous ? :D my life is still empty she's never came nothing has done I have to keep control to hope to have a chance be invisible is so sad I wanna do anything there's a lot in my world but nothing in my life I want to abandon all this I'm sorry I must do it goodbye my friend goodbye everybody goodbye,don't cry Cette chanson parle d'un garçon qui trouve qu'il a une vie pas du tout intéressante. En gros il se fait chier!Il pense qu'il n'a rien a faire dans cette vie pourrie.Alors il veut partir,il veut changer.Pour quoi faire?Bonne question! :D