girls and rock'n roll

I'm coming in the concert hall
the girl I invited is obviously not here
my friend already have beers
wath a bunch of idiots
the band start the show
I jump everywhere like a looser
I smell very bad
I'm a little bit drunk
It's so cool

girls and rock'n roll
the only things you need in your boring life are girls and rock'n roll
I don't remember the other reasons I am living for . oh-oh-oh
fuck the world rock your life and love your girl

a girl approach me
to kiss me
I do one step back
and I fall on a dumb
he hits me
I hit him
It hurts me
she's laughting
oh no

girls and rock'n roll
the only things you need in your boring life are girls and rock'n roll
it's the only things you need in your boring life . oh-oh-oh
fuck the world rock your life and love your girl

The world sucks and everyone's dumb


Anonyme a dit…
ouaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis THE MASH ca va etre un groupe bien moi j le dis!vive maxime et les autres.j ai pas tout compris vu mes performances dans les langues mais ca m as l air bien.donc c est en ce jour de st corentin que je dis:félicitation.

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